ChSciTE is a Ch programming language IDE (Integrated Development Environment ) to edit and run C, Ch and C++ programs. Ch is an embeddable C/C++ interpreter for cross-platform scripting, shell programming, 2D/3D plotting and numerical computing. Mostly these risky commits were more involved improvements to the new platforms, Mac PowerPC 64, Mac x86-64, iPhone, and many fixes to the ARM and x86-64 architectures in general. Dev-Pascal is a free Windows-only IDE for Free Pascal and GNU Pascal, with no further development following the 2004 FPC version and the 2005 GPC version. Eclipse IDE is an extensible Java IDE for development of highly integrated tools. The Eclipse Project is an open source software development project dedicated to providing a robust, full-featured, commercial-quality, industry platform for the development of highly integrated tools.
OpenJDK unofficial installers for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X ###Project discontinued This project is discontinued. Up-to-date OpenJDK 8 binaries for Windows x8664 are available in GitHub project. Some details can be found in this. ###OpenJDK 7 update 80 build 32. Windows downloads:. i586: ,. amd64: ,.
Mac OS X downloads:. x8664: , , ,. Linux downloads:.
i586: ,. amd64: , Older downloads may be found at the bottom of the page. ###Mailing list For questions about these builds you may use the mailing list:. list address: subscribe address: archives: ###Other OpenJDK builds.
Downloads description Note: description represents information about current builds (on the top of the page). For previous builds (at the bottom of the page) please see description, linked near them ###Source code OpenJDK 7 binaries were built from the jdk7u80-b32 of. ###Build platforms OpenJDK project has 'minimum build environments' (MBE) that should generate most-compatible binaries -,. Build environments used for OpenJDK7:. windows-i586: Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7.1 SDK (MBE - 7.1 SDK has the same compilers as VS2010). windows-amd64: Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition and Windows 7.1 SDK (MBE). macosx-x8664: Mac OS X 10.7.5 Lion and XCode 4.3.2 (GCC 4.2.1) (almost MBE, 10.7.5 instead of 10.7.3).
linux-i586: Debian 5.0 Lenny and GCC 4.3.2 (MBE). linux-amd64: Debian 5.0 Lenny and GCC 4.3.2 (MBE) ###FreeType On Linux and Mac OS X system prebuilt freetype libraries are used. On windows, (.dll and.lib) were built from version 2.5.3 as release-multithreaded using the same compilers as openjdk itself. Simple was applied for all builds. ###CA certificates OpenJDK source code contains empty cacerts file, that may cause troubles working with HTTPS. These builds contain file generated with. ###Unlimited cryptography All builds use unlimited cryptography by default.
###JavaScript support OpenJDK supports scripting languages through specification. But is not a part of OpenJDK and these builds don't bundle out-the-box implementation for 'JavaScript' engine for javax.script. To use JavaScript with these builds please see for details. ###Debug symbols Debug builds are included as additional downloads for all 'zip' and 'bundle' downloads.
They contain debug symbols for native binaries and for java classes. See for additional info. Mac OS X builds do not support native debug symbols -,. For OpenJDK6 all Windows builds contain native debug symbols and all Linux builds does not contain ones. Classfiles debug symbols are included in all -debug-image builds.
###Installers Installers were built using installer. Installers contain JDK files (JRE may be installed separately) and uninstallers. Installers for all platforms contain exactly the same content: jre directory, izpack's install.jar and install executable launcher. With default settings installers do not require administrator privileges. Installers may add JAVAHOME environment variable and adjust user PATH variable on all platforms.
On Windows global PATH variable and Windows Registry are also supported (see ) but may require administrator privileges. ###Native launchers install and uninstall native launchers (with.exe on windows) were built using. They run install.jar and uninstall.jar using bundled JRE. ###Zip images ZIP downloads ( files) contain zipped JDK files (contents of j2sdk-server-image). ###Mac OS X application bundle Mac OS X downloads additionally contain application bundle ( and for local user install.
###Fonts are included with all builds. ###Malware threats All builds are checked with antivirus software before publishing. I also recommend building them yourself for safety.
Build Process (manual builds) ###Linux and Mac OS X builds Linux and Mac builds are quite easy:. install build dependencies on your or box.
download and from this project. set environment variables base on build-linux-.
or files (comment out script launch at the bottom). go to openjdk sources root and run make ###Windows builds Windows build is more comlicated than linux and mac ones. It is described in. This git repository contains, and build environment.bat scripts.
Microsoft compiler toolchains and DirectX SDK cannot be distributed on github because of legal reasons, so some prerequisites installation required. ####DirectX libraries Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK (Summer 2004) is used in all windows builds. It was available on (I've dowload it there in November 2012), but it may be not available now. It may be found online on other sites.
File details:. name: dxsdksum2004.exe. size: 239008008. sha1: 73d875b7c38ec0dbc63982ff45c661 After installation DirectX files should be put into libs/directx directory,.
####Microsoft compilers OpenJDK7 i586 builds should work on 32-bit Windows XP and later, amd64 builds - on 64-bit Windows 2003 and later. Both i586 and amd64 versions of OpenJDK7 may be built using the same Windows 7.1 SDK (you'll need some additional files for amd64).